Friday, December 7, 2012

Battling "Fiery Attacks"

This week I went out to dinner with some of my girlfriends.  I am so blessed by this group of girls--they are an encouragement to me, my marriage and my faith.  We were talking about how things had been since our last girls' dinner and got to talking about how sometimes when we wake up in the mornings we are so down on ourselves.  It's like all these thoughts that we've struggled to keep at bay during the day flood into our minds during our sleep.  This really struck me and the next morning I was reading Jesus Calling (a little daily devotional by Sarah Young written as if Jesus was speaking directly to you—really good, highly recommend it) and it said “do not be surprised by the fiery attacks on your mind.  When you struggle to find Me and to live in My peace, don’t let discouragement set in.  The evil one abhors your closeness to Me.”

I started thinking about these words in relation to what I'd been discussing with my girlfriends the night before and  two things really struck me: 

 1.       In sleep we are the least in control of our mind and our thoughts which is the best time for “fiery attacks”

 2.       The bible specifically talks about Jesus getting up in the morning to pray. (Mark 1:35)

I’ve always thought it’s no big deal when you have a “quiet time” or pray or study, but I really think there is a reason it should be morning—we have to combat all of those hours of “fiery attacks” and equip ourselves for what will come during the day.  The devotional and conversation with my friends really reinforced wanting to have a daily time, in the morning, where I’m pouring good into myself-whether reading a book, scripture or just praying.  This is a challenge for me because I am so easily distracted in the morning - wanting to clean something, get a start on the day, make Newton coffee, spend time with the dog or head in early to work.  I am really trying to reserve time for this in the morning and know on the days that I do spend that time with God--whether it's 10 minutes or 30, my days are so much better.  I am calmer, less distracted by the whirlwind of life, more focused on Him and more peaceful and joyful. 
This idea seems so obvious but it's hard to commit to and execute.  Just some food for thought!  Hope you'll give a daily quiet time with God a try. 


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